1、我会调查的:I'll look into it.
3、秘密行动已经部署:Covert Ops deployed.
4、作战计划什么的,最喜欢了:I love it when a plan comes together.
5、我好紧张:So intense!
6、照亮前进的道路:Lighting the way.
7、我们能够做到:We can do this!
8、保持乐观:Keep positive.
9、聪明的决定:Bright decision.
10、光明法师?我只是个普通的法师而已:Light mage? I'm just an ordinary mage
12、照亮所有敌人:Illuminate the enemy!
13、驱逐所有暗影:Banish the shadows.
14、点亮他们:Light 'em up!
15、注意战场形势:Focus on the battle.
16、我们的战术更加优秀:With superior tactics.
17、我从来没想过失败:I never think about losing!
18、嘘……我在为我的激光充能:Shh...I'm charging my laser
19、你们这种战斗力……我建议你们还是投降算了:With your power level…I suggest you forfeit instead.
20、我要替德玛西亚行道,消灭你们:In the name of Demacia I will punish you!
21、双重彩虹?那是什么意思:Double Rainbow? What does it mean?
Well... A double rainbow is a phenomenon of optics that displays a spectrum of light due to the sun shining onto droplets of moisture in the atmosphere… Does that explain it?
23、真是个深思熟虑的选择,召唤师:Tactical decision summoner.
24、光之力无所不在,我就是它的焦点:The power of light is everywhere. I am its focus.
25、星辰大海在召唤,跟我来吧,凡人:The stars and the sea are calling. Follow me, mortals.